Compressing the backup is first provided by 3rd party vendors such as redgate, Quest, etc., But this option is wide open in SQL Server 2008 onwards which has become more popular. I have personally used this and found the result is 60% of the compression is possible and leaving more empty space. Another good part is it takes very less time to compress the big backup files.
Once you have created a backup plan and compressing technique you will be able to view the T-SQL code that reflects the backup and compression process you have created. When you click on the "View T-SQL" Button that will produce the actual T-SQL code that the server executes. But there is always a warning message on this T-SQL Script screen "The T-SQL shown here may not necessarily be the exact T-SQL executed at the server due to any conditional logic you configured for this task."
BACKUP DATABASE [db] TO DISK = N'C:\Backup\db.bak' WITH
NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'db-Full Database Backup', SKIP,
Knowing the GUI and T-SQL is always better for a day to day DBA job.
So, good to go and why don't you give a try.